
Legal Ethics & Professionalism

June 1, 2020

Defendant in Certified Class Action Sanctioned for Interfering with Notice Process and Defense Counsel Sanctioned for Improper Communications with Class – Rejecting, as Willful Blindness, Attorney’s “Failure to Scroll” Defense

Written by Steve Herman
June 1, 2020

California Court of Appeals Invalidates Fee-Sharing Agreement in Class Action Based on Violation of Professional Rule; Remands for Consideration of Quantum Meruit; Rejects that Only Hours, and Not Value of Referral, Can Be Considered

Written by Steve Herman
May 4, 2020

U.S. District Court in Louisiana Awards Attorneys’ Fees to be Paid by Attorney Who Litigated “Exceptional” Lanham Act Case

Written by Steve Herman
March 16, 2020

LA County Bar Association Opines on Ethical Duties of a Lawyer Who Comes Into Possession of Whistleblower Documents

Written by Steve Herman
March 9, 2020

Florida Supreme Court Discusses Payment of Fact Witnesses

Written by Steve Herman
January 1, 2020

California Court of Appeal Holds that LegalMatch.com is Subject to Regulation as a “Lawyer Referral Service” under California Law

Written by Steve Herman
December 26, 2019

North Carolina State Bar Ethics Opinion Prohibits Incentives to Enhance a Lawyer’s Social Media Presence

Written by Steve Herman
September 28, 2019

Briefing and Arguing Motions

Written by Steve Herman
June 3, 2019

U.S. Fifth Circuit Rejects Exceptions to Lawyers’ Immunity from Suit Brought by Non-Clients

Written by Steve Herman
May 27, 2019

Tennessee Bar Finds Requirement to Destroy Vehicle in Settlement Agreement Unethical

Written by Steve Herman