
What's New in Class Action Law?

June 1, 2024

U.S. Supreme Court Holds that the Question of Whether Prior Agreement is Superseded by Subsequent Agreement is for the Court, Not an Arbitrator, to Decide

Written by Steve Herman
May 3, 2024

U.S. Ninth Circuit Affirms Certification of Consumer Class Based on an “Unexecuted” Conjoint Damage Model and Determination of Materiality for Reliance Purposes on a Class-wide Basis

Written by Steve Herman
March 29, 2024

U.S. Eleventh Circuit Holds that Consumers Do Not Have to Prove Actual Damages in Order to Recovery Statutory Damages for Willful Violation of the FCRA

Written by Steve Herman
March 29, 2024

U.S. District Court in Wisconsin Denies Certification in TCPA Based on the Need for Individualized Article III Standing Determinations, (although Rejecting Defendant’s Predominance Attack on “Consent”)

Written by Steve Herman
March 29, 2024

U.S. Fifth Circuit Rejects CAFA’s “Local Controversy” Exception where All Putative Classmembers Did Not Suffer their Principle Injuries in Forum State

Written by Steve Herman
November 6, 2023

U.S. Third Circuit Reverses Class Action Fee Award, While Raising Questions About Clear Sailing and Reversion

Written by Steve Herman
October 26, 2023

Supreme Court of Colorado Refuses to Create an Exception to the Litigation Privilege on the Basis that the Proposed Class in the Underlying Class Action Was Easily “Ascertainable” From Business Records, etc.

Written by Steve Herman
October 26, 2023

U.S. Magistrate Judge in the Southern District of Texas Recommends Certification of (b)(1) ERISA Class, Despite Challenges to Absent Class Member Standing and Adequacy of Representation

Written by Steve Herman
October 26, 2023

D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Finds that “Fail Safe” Class Definitions Should Not Result in the Denial of Certification, Where the Issue is Merely One of Wording, and Not Substance

Written by Steve Herman
September 17, 2023

U.S. Fifth Circuit Looks at the Duration of Alleged Conduct at Issue in Determining whether Corporation Purchased by Out-of-State Company is a Local Defendant for Purposes of CAFA’s Local Controversy Exception

Written by Steve Herman