
What's New in E-Discovery and Spoliation?

June 21, 2022

U.S. District Court Judge Sanctions Stryker and Its Counsel the Seyfarth Shaw Law Firm for Spoliation of Text Messages, Obstructive and Unprofessional Deposition Tactics, and Unnecessary Delay

Written by Steve Herman
June 21, 2022

U.S. Magistrate Judge in the District of Kansas Shifts Costs to Requesting Party in Connection with TAR

Written by Steve Herman
April 18, 2022

Eastern District of Texas Judge Discusses the Requirements for Authenticating Social Media Files in the Context of a Sanctions Motion

Written by Steve Herman
March 13, 2022

Plaintiff Sanctioned by Northern District of Indiana for Deletion of Snapchat Data

Written by Steve Herman
February 2, 2022

U.S. Fifth Circuit Raises Some Red Flags for Litigants Attempting to Use On-Line Information

Written by Steve Herman
January 24, 2022

U.S. Fifth Circuit Reemphasizes Strong Presumption that Court Records Are Public

Written by Steve Herman
December 5, 2021

Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal Makes Clear that an Attorney’s File Cannot be Compelled Absent Compliance with Code of Evidence Article 508

Written by Steve Herman
November 7, 2021

New Jersey Supreme Court Declines to Discipline Attorney Who Did Not Understand Facebook Privacy Settings (in 2008)

Written by Steve Herman
August 26, 2021

Illinois Court of Appeal Holds that Dissolved Corporation Could Not Assert Privilege, While Reversing Contempt Sanction Against Attorney Seeking Appellate Review in Good Faith

Written by Steve Herman
July 29, 2021

U.S. Supreme Court Holds that the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Only Applies to Those Who Obtain Information or Files From Sources to Which Their Access Does Not Extend – (and Not Those Who Simply Obtain Data from Sources to Which they Have Access for Improper or Unauthorized Purposes)

Written by Steve Herman