
What's New in E-Discovery and Spoliation?

July 29, 2021

Northern District of California Magistrate Judge Imposes Monetary Sanctions on Counsel Who Failed to Take Reasonable and Appropriate Steps to Ensure Responses to Discovery Requests

Written by Steve Herman
July 29, 2021

Magistrate Judge in the Eastern District of Tennessee Outlines the Process for Evaluating a Motion for Sanctions for Spoliation of Electronically-Stored Information Where County Fails to Preserve Jail Tape

Written by Steve Herman
July 29, 2021

Magistrate in the Southern District of Georgia Addresses Spoliation in the Context of a “Deactivated” as Opposed to “Deleted” Facebook Account, while Questioning Counsel’s Conduct and Issuing a Rule to Show Cause

Written by Steve Herman
April 29, 2021

Magistrate Judge in Valsartan MDL Rejects Defendant’s “Confidentiality” Claims over Routine Business Communications

Written by Steve Herman
March 25, 2021

U.S. Fifth Circuit Discusses the Strong Presumption in Favor of Open Access to Judicial Proceedings and the Overuse of Protective Orders by Litigants

Written by Steve Herman
January 13, 2021

The Supreme Court of Texas Affirms Immunity for Attorneys Accused of Intentional Spoliation

Written by Steve Herman
January 13, 2021

Delaware Chancery Court Rejects Privilege Claim by Company Over Communications to Shared Employees Who Received E-Mails on Other Company’s Account

Written by Steve Herman
October 8, 2020

U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms Limited Fund Settlement Between Former Students and Unaccredited Law School

Written by Steve Herman
October 5, 2020

U.S. District Court in Minnesota Sanctions Defendants $10,000 for Intentional Spoliation of Text Messages

Written by Steve Herman
September 11, 2020

Supreme Court of Illinois Declines to Extend “Common-Interest” Right to Otherwise Privileged Communications to Insurance Brokers

Written by Steve Herman