
What's New in E-Discovery and Spoliation?

January 13, 2007

Magistrate Judge in the District of Maryland Issues Comprehensive Opinion Discussing the Evidentiary Requirements for the Admission of Electronically-Stored Information.

Written by Steve Herman
January 13, 2007

U.S. Magistrate Orders Employer to Produce Plan E-Data in Third Party’s Possession.

Written by Steve Herman
January 5, 2007

An Effective Presumption Against Causation is Inapplicable Where the Defendant Had Opportunity to Inspect Product.

Written by Steve Herman
December 27, 2006

U.S. District Judge Develops Three-Step Process for Discovery of “Inaccessible” E-Data under New Rules.

Written by Steve Herman
December 18, 2006

Magistrate in the Eastern District of Kentucky Rejects Presumption Favoring Production of Meta-Data.

Written by Steve Herman
December 6, 2006

District Judge in New Jersey Imposes Multiple Sanctions Against Defendant for E-Discovery Spoliation and Abuse.

Written by Steve Herman
December 1, 2006

Third Circuit Finds That Communications Regarding the Obligation to Preserve E-Mail and Other Files May Not Be Protected Under Crime-Fraud Exception.

Written by Steve Herman
November 1, 2006

North Carolina Court Quashes Subpoena for E-Mails on Non-Party.

Written by Steve Herman
September 28, 2006

Magistrate Recommends Adverse Presumption where Former Employee Cancels Yahoo Account in Order to Delete Files.

Written by Steve Herman
August 5, 2006

ABA Committee Concludes that an Attorney May Review and Utilize Metadata in Electronic Documents Received from Opposing Counsel.

Written by Steve Herman