
What's New in E-Discovery and Spoliation?

August 24, 2007

District Court Affirms Magistrate’s Order Regarding the Preservation of RAM in TorrentSpy case.

Written by Steve Herman
July 1, 2007

Louisiana Legislature Enacts New Code of Civil Procedure Articles on E-Discovery and Privilege Waiver.

Written by Steve Herman
June 5, 2007

MDL Court Comments on Current Status of Preservation Orders.

Written by Steve Herman
May 29, 2007

U.S. Magistrate Judge Holds that RAM is Electronically Stored Information which Must be Preserved and Produced under the 2006 Amendments to Rule 34.

Written by Steve Herman
March 9, 2007

Louisiana Supreme Court Reverses Nullity of Judgment Based on Fraud or Ill-Practices Associated with Spoliation of Evidence Claims.

Written by Steve Herman
February 21, 2007

U.S. Magistrate Judge Indicates that Production of Accessible E-Data is Not Subject to Cost-Shifting, Despite alleged “Burden”, under New Rules.

Written by Steve Herman
January 30, 2007

U.S. District Court Judge in New York Orders Adverse Inference and Imposes Monetary Sanctions for Spoliation of E-Mails and Other Data by Successor Entity in Securities Case.

Written by Steve Herman
January 26, 2007

U.S. District Judge Holds that Work Product of Audit Committee is Not Waived by Disclosure to SEC.

Written by Steve Herman
January 18, 2007

U.S. Magistrate Indicates that 2006 Amendments Do Not Alter Basic “Undue Burden” Analysis.

Written by Steve Herman
January 13, 2007

Magistrate in the District of Columbia Discusses “Hybrid” Work Product Resulting from an Attorney’s Selection of Documents for Litigation Purposes.

Written by Steve Herman