
For Trial Lawyers

April 29, 2021

Magistrate Judge in Valsartan MDL Rejects Defendant’s “Confidentiality” Claims over Routine Business Communications

Written by Steve Herman
March 26, 2021

U.S. Fifth Circuit Re-Affirms Principle that Fee Awards Should Be Based on Whether Services Were Reasonable, Not in Hindsight, But at Time They Were Provided

Written by Steve Herman
March 26, 2021

U.S. Supreme Court Makes Clear that Personal Jurisdiction Extends to Car Manufacturer Doing Business in Forum State Even Where Initial Sale of Auto Occurred in Different State

Written by Steve Herman
March 25, 2021

U.S. Fifth Circuit Discusses the Strong Presumption in Favor of Open Access to Judicial Proceedings and the Overuse of Protective Orders by Litigants

Written by Steve Herman
November 12, 2020

U.S. Seventh Circuit Disgorges Payoff to Settlement Objector

Written by Steve Herman
November 2, 2020

Alabama Circuit Court Sanctions Allstate for Repeated Violation of the Court’s Mediation Orders

Written by Steve Herman
September 24, 2020

Southern District of Florida Calls Out the So-Called “Center for Class Action Fairness” for Serial and Bad Faith Objections

Written by Steve Herman
July 20, 2020

U.S. Fifth Circuit Affirms Classwide Arbitration Award, While Noting Defense Counsel’s Change-in-Position and Demand for Oral Argument

Written by Steve Herman
June 27, 2020

U.S. Fifth Circuit Declines to Sanction Defendant for Frivolous Appeal

Written by Steve Herman
June 15, 2020

Minnesota Supreme Court Approves Litigation-Funding Agreements

Written by Steve Herman