
What's New in the Courts

January 12, 2006

Seventh Circuit Stresses Responsibility of District Court to Appropriately Assess Value of Claims in Considering Fairness of Settlement.

Written by Steve Herman
January 12, 2006

Seventh Circuit Wrestles With Itself Over the Question of When an Amendment to State Court Pleadings Qualifies as a “Commencement” for CAFA Removal Purposes.

Written by Steve Herman
January 12, 2006

Ninth Circuit Discusses “Mass Action” Provisions in CAFA.

Written by Steve Herman
January 12, 2006

First Circuit Refuses to Enforce Classwide Arbitration Ban.

Written by Steve Herman
January 12, 2006

Fifth Circuit Holds that Addition of Unrelated Defendant Constitutes “Commencement” for CAFA Removal Purposes.

Written by Steve Herman
January 12, 2006

U.S. Supreme Court Rules that SLUSA Preempts State Law Claims for Fraudulently Inducing Plaintiffs to Hold on to Securities.

Written by Steve Herman
January 12, 2006

Divided Sixth Circuit Panel Follows Allison.

Written by Steve Herman
January 12, 2006

Oregon Supreme Court Applies Inference of “Reliance” or Causation in Punitive Damage Case Against Tobacco Industry.

Written by Steve Herman
January 12, 2006

First Circuit Holds that the Fraud-on-the-Market Presumption of Reliance in Securities Cases Does Not Depend Upon the Accuracy of Market Price, But Only Informational Efficiency.

Written by Steve Herman
January 9, 2006

Sixth Circuit Rejects Claim of Spoliation under State or Federal Law where Destruction Occurs Before Defendant is Placed on Notice of Claim.

Written by Steve Herman