
What's New in E-Discovery and Spoliation?

November 18, 2009

Court Orders Re-Production in Native Format where Files Were Originally Produced in PDF Form.

Written by Steve Herman
October 28, 2009

Court Orders Production of Raw Data Despite Defendant’s Claims of Undue Burden and Expense Required to Create New Dataset.

Written by Steve Herman
July 27, 2009

Court Compels Defendant to Re-Produce Database in Native Format.

Written by Steve Herman
July 7, 2009

Court Reduces Hourly Rate of Attorney Due to Inexperience with E-Discovery.

Written by Steve Herman
June 22, 2009

Plaintiff Experts Allowed to Access Defendant’s Backup Tapes In Order to Verify Completeness of Production.

Written by Steve Herman
May 19, 2009

Magistrate in District of New Jersey Holds that Right to Production in Native Format Can Be Waived.

Written by Steve Herman
April 29, 2009

Court in the Eastern District of Wisconsin Denies Requests for All Electronically-Stored Information Absent Showing of Concealment of Data or Inability to Respond.

Written by Steve Herman
March 19, 2009

Magistrate in the Southern District of New York Advises Counsel to Consult Experts and to Cooperate with Each Other in the Development of Keywrod Search Terms.

Written by Steve Herman
January 30, 2009

Alleged Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product Protections vitiated by Crime-Fraud Exception where Law Firm Assisted Client in Concealing Relevant Documents from Opposing Party and the Court.

Written by Steve Herman
January 26, 2009

Magistrate Rejects “Claw Back” of Privileged Documents Previously Turned Over to the SEC.

Written by Steve Herman